An Invitation to Safety and Security in Today’s America“

October 2, 2020

4 He brought me to the banqueting house,
And his banner over me was love.
5 Sustain me with cakes of raisins,
Refresh me with apples,
For I am lovesick.”
Song of Solomon 2:4-5 (ESV)

Quick announcement: Ever have a dream but didn’t know what it meant? Join us as we dig deep into GOD’s Word, with a relevant study into dream interpretation. Courses offered through Google Classroom, and 100% free.
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We live in perilous times. Now more than ever, it is imperative to know and to be certain we are known by GOD. Most importantly, it is important to know who our GOD is.

The illusion of safety and security for the average American, especially in minority cultures, was shattered a long time ago; current events simply confirm the fears and frustrations of many.

I had a recent, personal encounter I would like to share to illustrate the necessity to know and be known by JESUS the CHRIST.

This past week, my daughter was driving home from college. It was around 10 pm and a police officer stopped her. She pulled into a gas station and waited for him to approach. He stated that he smelled marijuana (weed) in her moving car from his moving car. She fit his profile.

She explained clearly that there was no weed in her car, nor did she smoke at all. Unfortunately, that was not enough for him. He proceeded to search her car and found nothing. Praise GOD the officer did not plant anything in my daughter’s car.

Nevertheless, he persisted with his accusations. Finally, after his inability to get her to admit something she did not do, he let her go.

A little background: My daughter has never smoked weed; she leads Bible Study on her college campus and has made Dean’s List all three years of her college career. In fact, she attends college on a presidential academic scholarship. All that does not matter to the wrong police officer on the wrong day and at the wrong time.

But JESUS every day, matters.

At the exact time she was being pulled over, HOLY SPIRIT told me at home, miles away, what was happening. But I was exhausted and did not have the strength to pray. Nevertheless, I gave GOD agreement to move on behalf of my daughter with this flimsy prayer: “Well, JESUS, she is YOUR daughter too, so YOU take care of it…good night.” Then I went to sleep.

HE did. Victoria left that situation emotionally scarred from the false accusations, but physically unharmed. She had never been accused of breaking the law before in her life.

I had confidence the LORD would protect my child because I knew who and in whom I have believed. I know HIS voice, I feel HIS presence, I talk to HIM and HE talks back. HE is my FATHER, LOVER, FRIEND. HIS banner over me, my husband and children, is love.

HE sustains me with delicious raisin cakes, representing sweet nourishment, baked with special attention. HE refreshes my soul with apples.

Today in America, we who believe in JESUS CHRIST need to know the GOD we claim to love and who Loves us back. HE is the Almighty, dispatching warrior angels to protect those who trust in HIM.

Song of Solomon 2:14 (NKJV) expresses the level of intimacy GOD is looking for from us.

“O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, In the secret places of the cliff, Let me see your face, Let me hear your voice; For your voice is sweet, And your face is lovely.”

This intimacy is hidden from the eyes of people, but near to the heart of GOD.

I would like to introduce you to Go Behind the Veil (GBTV), the online prayer and teaching arm of We invite you to join us in intimate fellowship with the LORD JESUS CHRIST. We will teach, learn and demonstrate GOD’s Word together.

This way, when trouble comes knocking at your door, your first instinct will be Faith and not fear.

Join Monday Night Bible Study, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST.
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