Amid COVID-19, Wonders are still what HE Does

August 15, 2020

11 If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? 13 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly FATHER give the HOLY SPIRIT to those who ask HIM!” Luke 11:11-13 NKJV

In the midst of COVID-19, wonders are still what YOU do, JESUS.

Bodies are still being healed. There are more surviving than succumbing to this terrible pestilence. Our hearts go out to those who have unexpectedly lost loved ones.

People are still being fed. Amid draconian laws, GOD’s people brave the harsh landscapes to help each other, feed each other, comfort each other, serve each other. We maintained the community of the Body.

Babies are still being born.

Meet Rachael. Her mother died two days after she was born.
During these trying times, babies are still being born to poor families all over the world. In Malawi, the WeRemnant family supports Crisis Nursery which rescues abandoned infants. These babies are abandoned due to many reasons, but the biggest reason is the death of their mothers and the subsequent inability of their fathers to care for them due to poverty.
That is where you and I step in.
JESUS said that whatever you and I do for the least of these HIS brethren, we have done unto HIM (Matthew 25:40).

The WeRemnant family gives fathers, grandmothers, and other relatives the baby food and supplies necessary to care for these precious infants each month. We work with social workers and nurses licensed by the Malawi government to inspect the infants’ health and living conditions each month.

To help these poor families, we also provide a large bag of maze, feeding the entire family for a month.

Thank you, Family, for giving these parents and caregivers the ability to provide “fish,” “bread,” and “eggs” for these infant orphans. Your giving blesses the entire family.

As we do this for JESUS’ brethren and our family in the faith, we are confident that the FATHER will continue to pour out more of HIS HOLY SPIRIT on us.

The WeRemnant family gives fathers, grandmothers, and other relatives the baby food and supplies necessary to care for these precious infants each month. We work with social workers and nurses licensed by the Malawi government to inspect the infants’ health and living conditions each month.

To help these poor families, we also provide a large bag of maze, feeding the entire family for a month.

Thank you, Family, for giving these parents and caregivers the ability to provide “fish,” “bread,” and “eggs” for these infant orphans. Your giving blesses the entire family.

As we do this for JESUS’ brethren and our family in the faith, we are confident that the FATHER will continue to pour out more of HIS HOLY SPIRIT on us.

Expect HIS wonders in your life today, amen.
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